Saturday, October 17, 2015

Stanley the Bear

Stanley the Bear is a bear that lives in Stanley Idaho. Stanley is a horribly taxidermy bear. Stanley's ears rest right above his jawline causing him to look weird. Also Stanley's mouth is so awkwardly deformed that he looks like he's smiling but I think the taxidermist meant for him to look like he's a big bad bear. Stanley has become a landmark for my family and close family relatives. My family loves Stanley so much that we have created a Facebook page for him and also have made shirts and hats that have Stanley printed on it.

On Stanley's Facebook page he has pictures of him and other friends of him that are also horribly taxidermy job. Stanley can dance dive and can hunt. Stanley dance moves are a little static however he is still amazingly awesome at dancing.Smokey the bear is Stanley's cousin so occasionally you can see Stanley wearing Smokey's at or them just hanging out putting out a fire. Stanley also posted that he joined the polar bears and he died his fur white for the picture which makes him look even weirder.
This is  Stanley as a polar bear getting spotted by a hiker on a trail

Stanley has been printed on hats that I personally love to wear on the river and we also have shirts of him which I wear working out sometimes. Stanley has shown up in the ocean on freeways and many other places. My favorite is when Stanley is swimming in the ocean and they call him a sea bear because he is a bear swimming in the sea. I believe one day that Stanley Idaho will become a land mark for people to see and there will be lines outside of the restaurant that Stanley is in.

My dad's friend wanted to buy the bear at the restaurant but they said that he was not for sale but I bet he could have tried harder to get Stanley and I wish he did because then Stanley would join us at family parties. I met Stanley this summer on my way to the Middle Fork of the Salmon river because we stopped and stayed the night in Stanley before we had to get to the river. I stood next to Stanley and also I did pet his fur. The sign said don't touch him but I did because I am a rebel. Haha, no just kidding I'm not really a rebel and I didn't even pet him, so I guess I'm just average when it comes to Stanley the Bear.

If you have a Facebook you should seriously consider following Stanley because he is so funny and he looks so dysfunctional that every thing he has posted is hilarious. I especially love his 80's dancing one. My favorite picture that Stanley has posted is the reunion one where he is with all of his friends that have a horrible taxidermy job and comments that Kevin always made that goofy face in photos.
This is my favorite one that comments that Kevin always made that goofy face.

P.S. if you don't like profanity then following Stanley isn't the best thing to do.

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