Monday, October 19, 2015

UEA Break

Last weekend was UEA break and I don't know about you but I didn't think it was long enough of a break. I think whenever we get a break it should last at least a week more than two days. Even though I am complaining about it not being long enough of a break I still thought it was worth it.

On Thursday I hung out with a friend but I had to go to dry land which kind of made me mad because I had to go workout and focus on skiing wall I wanted to just do nothing. But of course that doesn't work with my schedule but anyway after I just went home and did nothing. In dry land we lifted weights so it was pretty easy because it was an easy light weight day.

Friday was much like Thursday except in the morning I didn't do anything and I couldn't hang out with my friend because she could only go at the time that I had to go to dry land, figures. I liked Fridays dry land though because first we did Ultimate Frisbee then we played speed ball and then we did a light core workout and that was it. After I went home and did nothing.

Saturday I went biking and the trail that I went on was pretty cool. I am really bad at clip-less pedals though so I fell quite a bit. To be honest I fell a lot because it was my first time using them and I couldn't clip out, the sad part was that I actually fell in the parking lot. Later on Saturday we had people come over and watched the University of Utah game which was a good game that put the Utes in third. I din't watch the whole game because I had to get some sleep because the next day I had physical testing which wasn't fun at all.
This is me on Saturday on our bike ride.

On Sunday I had to wake up fairly early and go to physical testing. Physical testing was just at the Center of Excellence so it wasn't that far. In physical testing we had six test that we had to do. The first test was the high jump where you jump as high as you can and they measure it. I didn't do very good I only got seventeen inches. Next was the triple jump where you jump three times in a row and see how far you could get. I got nineteen feet and nine inches. Then we did the overhead squat and I got a three out of three. On the single leg squat I got a three on one leg and a two on the other. Box jumps sucked and I hate them but I got a forty six. We also did the beep test which I hate more than the box jumps and I got a eight point five on that one.

My UEA wasn't packed with that much stuff but I still had a good time and wished it would last longer because I really don't want to have to go to school for the rest of the week especially because it's the end of the quarter this week so I am not happy. Have a great week wall I probably won't because I have a full week of school.

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