Saturday, November 21, 2015


For the past three days I was skiing in SnowKing and I still am. SnowKing is only open for alpine racers to race on because they use the lane space for gates to be set up. My camp is solely based on G.S. (Giant Slalom) but we skied some slalom free skiing a little just to get ready for G.S. 

SnowKing is a small resort and when I say small I mean small, there's only like four runs and two chairlifts. People mainly don't go there to ski if they don't do skiing or snowboarding competitively because Jackson Hole resort is pretty close to the town of Jackson Hole and it is a big resort with some amazing free skiing there like Corbits. SnowKing is awesome though because it is literally in town and in the middle of everything that it's super convenient. I also like SnowKing because of the runs there, there are two that are groomers that fairly steep but also has some terrain that doesn't make it completely a straight bomber hill. The Other two runs aren't groomed and has some pretty good moguls that are a good and fun size to ski on. One of the lifts in SnowKing takes you up half way and the other takes you up all the way and ski the nice moguls up top.

I enjoy SnowKing's terrain a lot because you can make some sweet big turns up top on the steeps and the it flattens out to give you more direct turns and then it turns into some more going down the hill to the end. On the mogul runs you can do some really good moguls that are like a perfect size, not too big, not too small. I also like the moguls because at Park City Mountain Resort it's really hard to find some good moguls that are a good shape and size because all of the moguls are man made and not very good skiers are making those moguls. SnowKing is never hit by the sun in the winter the because the sun stays behind the mountain the entire time and doesn't really come out so it usually is really cold there like today it was negative seven degrees and was freezing.SnowKing is just a really good race hill because of the terrain and nobody really skis there so if you ever want some good moguls or a good groomer then SnowKing is the place for you because you can do both of those things and they also let you hike up to the top in backcountry skis with some skins on the bottom.
SnowKing from the top

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