Monday, November 16, 2015


Because we have begun to see some snow outside our windows, I feel that it's only fitting to have a post about snow. Snow is that white stuff that builds up outside and is so beautiful. Every snowflake is unique, no two snowflakes are ever the same. Even when the snow builds up to form that powder that you just love to ski or snowboard on it have a glimmer from every single piece that came together to create that perfect run.  I know that it seems so weird to talk about snow because last year was one of the worst years for skiing in history.

Snow is the most amazing thing in the entire world. Whenever you see snow you know that you are going to do something fun like ski or sled or even snowboard. You look outside and start to feel your stomach jump with excitement. The best feeling is when you look outside and see the snow so you run and get your snow stuff and go sledding. As you walk outside you feel the cold breeze and your nose starts to turn pink from the chill. It's so cold that you can smell the cool wisp that is jumping off of the snow. With every step you take you can feel the snow softly move down by the weight. As you are having fun you know that you are cold but also know that you can go inside and have a warm hot chocolate whenever you would like to.

Picture courtesy of Mike Bomberg Mountain Guide
My most favorite feeling is getting ready to ski and seeing the snow fall down to the ground and wanting to rush to just get out and ski. As you step off onto the snow with your ski boots on you aren't slipping on that hard ice but gripping into the powder that will soon hold your skis and just let them glide over it with such ease. Again you feel your nose turn pink and are ready to get out and ski some of the best turns in your life. As you ski you can't help but have a smile that spreads across the entire continent on your face because you just love the feeling you get as the snow hits you in the face notifying that that turn was pretty awesome. The powder is so deep that the snow wants to go over top of your head but it doesn't except for the occasional that are super fast. As you reach the end of the run you come to a stop doing a "fairy" and flying through the fluffy powder.

Honestly, I am just so excited to go skiing and right now there really isn't anything else I want to do. Even if the only skiing I get to do is go down the bunny hill a whole bunch of time because I will just have as much fun as I can on that bunny hill. All I have to say is we have to continue praying to that snow gods and doing our snow dance crossing our fingers hoping for the best.

Fairy- When you stop, creating a puff of snow and jump through it like a fairy.