Monday, January 11, 2016


Snowbasin ski resort is a really fun resort for outside skiers because the terrain can be anything from slow easy groomers to backcountry with mountains of snowfall on it. This weekend I had a race in Snowbasin, two G.S. and one slalom race. Friday was G.S. and I finished both races pretty consistently but not great but I was okay with it. Saturday was also G.S. and the course was set very hard; twenty five out of the one hundred girls fell on the first course. Twenty five percent of the girls at the Snowbasin race on Saturday fell and same with the guys because they had to ski the same course as us; I was pretty mad about that. The turn that made everyone ski out was right after a delay (a delay is where you go around the first gate and in the same turn you go around the second gate and on the other side of you is another gate so you go in betwe
en the two gates.) there was a gate that was very offset and really rutted because most of the girls that made it had a really bad line which created a huge bad rut. I was one of the twenty five girls that didn't finish so I was pretty annoyed. On Sunday I raced Slalom and that was not the greatest day ever because my first run I straddled a gate and had to stop and hike up to finish the course so I got a minute four seconds which is unbelievably slow considering the girl in first got forty two seconds on her first run. Keep in mind that winning by a second is really fast in ski racing and all the times are super close, a lot of people will be within hundredths of a second between each other so thirty two seconds slower is really slow. The girl in first used to be on the University of Utah Ski Team and she was really good, She was trying to give away points because she had sixteen in G.S. and thirty eight in slalom which is really low so she wasn't trying to get first and on her run she backed off a lot but she still accidentally got first in slalom which is crazy. Her name is Kristina Rove. My second run I got to the top and had to wait because there was the biggest course hold. I got in the gate with a mindset of this run doesn't matter at all because if I fail than it doesn't matter because I already failed the first run and I was running eighty seventh so I knew that the course was going to be in terrible condition but I went down and it felt horrible like the worst run ever but it actually was pretty good so I was super surprised about that especially because there was no fixing the course because it was bad. The Snowbasin qualifier wasn't my race but I will always have another race until I stop racing so I'll do better next time.
Kristina Rove

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