Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Super G

Bode Miller Falling In Super G Curtesy of Deadspin 
Super G is huge turns that don't require much swing to them. You are mainly just going straight down the hill but don't get me wrong Downhill is way more intense and requires way less of a turn but way more guts. In Super G there is often a jump in the course. Most people wouldn't consider it a jump the would consider it a roller which it basically is but when you have really high speeds it's really easy to catch air off of the roller so we consider it a jump. Super G requires a lot more gut than G.S. does because some of the really fast kids will reach speeds of sixty miles an hour in the course. Imagine going sixty miles an hour on two skinny skies and no way to quickly stop; one wrong move and you could be tumbling down doing summersaults. There are people who will go timid which actually is dangerous because the long skies pull your body every where and you can't control it that well and than there are the kids who go all in and don't even care if they fall on their head all they want is the speed and the adrenaline it gives them when they are skiing. The people who really want the speed can be insane at times because you will see them go over those "rollers" and catch a few feet of air, then you won't consider it a roller but a jump. The skies for Super G are really long and so it's hard to manipulate the ski like you can on a slalom ski because the ski is just so long and stiff and not to mention but the radius is huge so most people wonder how you even create a turn on the skis. The people who win in Super G are usually a lot stronger and their legs are like tree trunks because the muscle is huge. Some of the falls in Super G are gnarly, a lot of people sitting at the finish will gasp because they think or sometimes even know that the person is seriously injured. The scariest is when you see someone fall right on their back because they could possibly be severely injured. The best falls are the ones where people have a crash that looks super bad but they just get up and ski off without a problem because then you get to see the epic crash but no one is hurt in the end and so it turns into a good memory. The coolest was when Bode Miller would crash because he skied so hard that he was either going to crash or he was going to win the race and all of his falls he got up from or made a recovery and went back to skiing but sadly this year he stopped ski racing but it's still cool to watch the old videos of him crashing.

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