Friday, May 13, 2016

Last Hoorah

This is my final blog post and for it I want to recap on every post I've ever written this year.  First I wrote about was "My Rafting Trip" and for this post I had a really hard time thinking of things to write about and I was dreading writing more after that post because I would never be able to write about anything. As I continued I started to figure out that I could write about anything I've done over the my break from writing. I realized that I do a lot because I had to write about stuff so it made me realize all of the fun things that I do every day. My next few posts were "Stanley the Bear," "UEA," and "Redskins" and all of these were just me needing to get a post and those were the only things I could think to write about. My next posts were "SNOW!!!," "Snowking," "Slalom," "Snowbasin," and "Super G." The theme of it all was skiing because it was ski season and that's all I do in the
winter is ski so that's all I could write about and that's what I love most in the winter so I wanted to share my fun trips and cool skiing experiences with everyone else. My posts got a little more interesting from the on, I had my "Lacrosse" post which made me super excited to play lacrosse because I was getting pumped for game season and to kick some major lacrosse but which me and my team did just that. My letter to Ted Ligety was a super cool post because I wrote it just for Ted Ligety and it showed how much I really like watching him ski and I thought that was amazingly cool. My next three posts all had another theme. The posts were "The Fight Against Juan Diego," "Pleasant Grove's Cry for Help," and "Just Pee Your Pants" all of theses have the same theme of lacrosse.  I
Thanks Mr. Parker! Pic. Courtesy of Popcorn Fest
think my interest factor in my writing got a lot better in these posts and my titles got a lot better because I started thinking of better names for my blogs too. My last two, "SUMMER!!!" and "The Final Countdown", were all about how ready I am for summer and how I am done with school but sad that ski season is over and the writing in this I felt like got a lot more appealing to read.  What I would like to say is thank you to Mr. Parker for helping me and push me to do something that I might not like but it helped me in the long run.

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