Friday, May 6, 2016

The Final Countdown

Today is my very last game of the season and I am so sad to have to end it all. We have had a great season and we plan to continue our winning all the way till the end. We have had some super high high's and super low low's but we want to finish it with a bang. For low's we have our our losses against Brighton and losing of some players due to serious injuries. Our Brighton loss wasn't even that bad, we were tied all the way up till the last minute where they had a rolled ball enter the net. For high's we won every single game so far except Brighton and we have created some tight bonds and friendships. We may have had the times where we didn't think that we would come through, like our last game agains Heriman we were down by two at halftime and then came out and beat them by three. We also had our moments where we completely crushed the other teams because we played like an actual team would. Some of us may get in arguments but we always apologize, we may drop the ball but we are always cheering on our teammate, we may drop the ball occasionally (literally and figuratively) but we always hustle to pick up our mistakes.  Even if we miss a goal our teammate is hauling butt to win the chase. No matter what we support each other in every decision we make and if it was a mistake we forgive them and continue on with life. We all are one team and we all want the same goal, to get the win, and without good teammates we wouldn't be able to communicate and get the win. We all have Miner PRIDE and we all will fight to keep that Miner PRIDE. I loved all my coaches this year because they all encouraged me and helped me get better. I am really happy because I have gotten so much better at lacrosse this year then I was last year and I owe all my defense skills to my coaches this year because they pushed me to do everything. I was sad when our coach Ellie Mango left because she helped me so much when I was struggling. I am happy that I had the opportunity to have Maddie, Laurel, and Ellie Mango as my coaches this year because because it was a super great opportunity.
Park City Miners

I am sad to see the seniors leave because they have become a part of our lacrosse family and it is too sad to say goodbye. We have three seniors and two of which aren't going to go to the game tonight because they have work so last night was our last practice with them and on Wednesday that was our last game with them. I like to look up to them and have them help me when I need help. They are always fighting for the ball and charging for the goal. No matter what they are giving it their all and I like to think that I will have that much fire in me when I am their age. I think that when I become a senior I will look at all the freshman and think about all the seniors when I was a freshman and how I want to look like they did and play as hard as they did. I really liked having those role models this year but I am super sad to be saying goodbye.

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