Friday, January 15, 2016


Lacrosse is so much fun. Lacrosse is high intensity. I'm not talking about the guys lacrosse where you smash into each other and have to wear a ton of safety gear. A regular guys gear is as much as the goalies gear so having to run in that much equipment would suck because you have your weight plus twenty extra pounds. A regular girl player in lacrosse has to only wear eye gear and a mouth guard. Girls and guys lacrosse sticks are different as well. A guys stick has a pocket that helps hold the ball in easier because they get checked more often. Girls lacrosse sticks have a really small pocket which makes it harder to keep the ball in your stick.

Because girls sticks don't really have a pocket it requires a lot more technique than guys. Guys don't have to give with their stick when their catching and then they can cradle the ball where guys can just get the head of their stick close to the ball and it will make it in without any need to give with the stick. Girls can't hit each other either unless it's their stick and it is away from their body. If you check towards their body it's also illegal in girls lacrosse but guys can hit the stick their body and they can do whatever they want unless it's not serious.
Picture Curtesy of Team USA

I will admit that I am not the most legal checker. I get a nervous when I'm playing defense and the girl I'm defending has the ball and starts to beat so then I just swing my stick out of worry and then I get called on for an illegal check. One time I was playing in a tournament and I went out and the girl who had the ball was beating me and I accidentally hit her in the head and got a yellow card in the first minute of the tournament. A yellow card isn't that bad because it means that it was more illegal than a check to the stick but it wasn't a slash to the body which means you hit them as hard as you could in the head and it looked intentional.I've never gotten a red card but I have gotten a few yellow cards which isn't something to be proud of.

Lacrosse is actually a very intense game but it's fun even if you do guys lacrosse it just means you have to run harder and you'll probably go home with a lot of bruises. My favorite position to play is offense because it has more action but I will honestly play anything: defense, midfield, offense, even goalie if they needed it.

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