Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Fight Against Juan Diego

My first real game of the season was on Wednesday and it was against Juan Diego. It was so much fun. This was technically my first game of my entire high school. I liked that my first ever high school game we won and I scored two of our nine goals and had two pretty cool assists. My first goal was in the first half and was left handed so that makes me feel very accomplished. I started with my stick in my left hand and rolled and switched left and beat my defender leaving a clear path to the goal where I kept repeating "place your shot, place your shot" in my head. I had to think about placing my shot because lately in practice or other games I just rip a shot but the ball goes directly toward the goalie which makes it super easy to catch because it goes right into the goalies stick or they get the ball bounced off of them because it hits their body. My first assist was to my teammate Jade in the first half and she caught the ball and ripped it to cage hitting the net. I wasn't at X when I threw the ball to Jade which are usually the best assist but I still got the assist because Jade can rip a really fast and hard shot. My second goal was an assisted goal which passed to me by Marissa who gave me a great throw that I took and ran to cage with. My second assist was behind cage at X where I saw Kinley run through and I through it to her and she threw in a fake that made the goalie
This is me playing at our game
disoriented and threw it to the net. In the first half my team was up five, zero, because we were up by so much my coach applied a rule that we had to make every goal an assisted goal because she noticed a lot of people were running than taking a shot that didn't involve any teamwork because there wasn't one pass and our coaches like to say that the ball is faster than a runner so we started passing more in the second half and came together as a team and still beat the other team. Our defense held strong in the first half and let no one pass them and had some great double teams and getting back to their player as soon as their double team was over. Second half our defense still played super good but we started to slip a little and got confused every once in a while about who was playing what but in the end we came together as a team and won our game. But of course not everything was sunshine and rainbow's, before we left Park City we couldn't find a lot of JV and Varsity's uniforms and that is really serious because if your whole team doesn't have the same uniforms you can be disqualified. Luckily a few of JV's uniforms were in our teammate, Caityn's, car and we got them back. We found Varsity's in our coaches car but we left half an hour later but luckily we played good even after the mishap before the game.

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