Wednesday, March 16, 2016


I have a river trip coming up for spring break that I am super excited for. I haven't been on the river since last summer and so I have been wanting to get back on the river. My birthday was a few weeks ago and I got a new life jacket that doesn't have any sun spots and it has places to put your hands when they are cold. It also has pockets to put things in which are super handy when you need them. I am excited to wear my life jacket but I am even more excited for my first fly fishing pole. I have
This is my life jacket, hammock, and fishing pole
never tried fly fishing but my parents got me a fly fishing pole for my birthday and I love fishing so I am super stoked to try fishing with a fly pole. I also got a camping hammock for my birthday that I have been wanting forever and now I have one and I get to use it which is so cool because I'm going to set up the hammock and bath in the sun then go fishing with my new fly fishing pole and than I will go rafting in the morning with my new jacket with hand warmers and pockets.

For Westwater there are two sections the upper which is ruby horse thief and the lower part is just Westwater. We are making the trip a three day trip. You can make the trip just one day but they usually only do one section to do the trip in one day. The first section is super flat and is mainly just for fishing because there isn't any whitewater in the ruby horse thief section. In the second section there is a big amount of white water but in the end there is no whitewater and it is basically a lake that will be very obnoxious to oar through. We are staying one night on the ruby horse thief section than on the second night we will be staying on the actual Westwater section.

Out of everything that I am excited I am most excited for just being on the river. I get to oar the river on my raft which I love to do. My favorite thing in the entire world is rafting and my whole family will be there. I am so excited that my grandpa is coming with us as well which is actually a pretty big deal because the last time my grandpa went was on the Main Salmon which was five or so years ago and he hasn't gone near a river since, not because he doesn't love them but because he got older and life had to catch up with him but now he's retired and is coming with us on the river. The only thing that sucks is that I won't have any friends on the trip and no dogs can come because the rivers a national park or something stupid like that which will kind of be annoying but I will still have a lot of fun because I have family and I am going to be on the river which is the best thing ever. I am so excited for this trip and i will make the best of it.

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