Friday, April 22, 2016

Just Pee Your Pants

My last lacrosse game was against Olympus and they were kind of a weird team. Some of the girls were super nice and friendly and others were just flat out rude. Some girls would be like oh I love your hair and the other would be like make sure to push that girl because she's going to goal. We were really nice to them and saying good job and things like that but some of the girls would either smile back or the other would give a deathly glare. They were so bipolar because every girl was completely different from her teammate. I was really weirded out.

Before halftime came around I didn't realize the weird things they were doing but then at halftime a whole bunch of my teammates pointed out their weirdness.  All the girls that were playing defense told me that one of the girls told her teammate she really had to pee and the other teammate told her to just pee. I was so weirded out and didn't know who the girl was so I didn't want to run into her if she had peed. I really didn't want pee all over me and then my teammate went on with the story and said the one girl that had to pee said, "I peed last time and don't want to pee again." After I heard that I took a huge sigh of relief but then the story went on: Khaki, my teammate, told me that later she over heard the girls talking again and said, "I just peed." After hearing that I was fully aware that I needed to figure out who this girl is and stay away from her because I wasn't going to risk getting some pee on me. I was so relieved that she was playing attack and I wouldn't be able to make contact with her or else I was going to have to take about five hundred showers before I could do anything. I felt so bad for all the defenders that had to play defense on her because they had a very high risk of getting pee on their body. It's so disgusting that someone would pee on the field just because it was raining and the rain would "wash" it away. I have a news flash for this girl, the pee won't wash off with some rain coming down.
My reaction is the same as Ellen's

Another girl on the other team said that she hoped the ground would get struck by lightning and that our team would get electrocuted. But this girl wasn't the brightest person because she didn't think about the fact that they were on the exact same field as us and if the ground was struck by lightning not just my team would bd electrocuted but she and her team would be electrocuted as well. I just don't understand the things that run through their heads. Who thinks it's okay to pee your pants, I am just flabbergasted.

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