Thursday, May 5, 2016


I am so stoked for summer to come around and although summer is only in a few weeks, I know this will be a long hard race to the finish. I am sad that ski season has come and gone but it will be back soon and in the meantime I can enjoy my other favorite sports, like lacrosse, river rafting, and camping (if you consider camping a sport.) I have had some ups and downs this year but as long as it will be over and I won't have to think about it four a few months that's fine with me. I am so excited for all the fun things that are going to happen this summer!!

Picture courtesy of Your Weekend View
River rafting is one of my favorite, if not my favorite thing to do in the entire world. I love the water and I love the beautiful scenery that you see on every trip. All the places we go to are so unique like the Gates of Lodore section on the Green River has these huge walls of rock that just tower over you and waterfalls that you can't reach without being on the river. The best part of the Green is some of the hikes that you can go up and see petroglyphs and pictographs that were created maybe a hundred years ago. The whitewater on the Green is also a lot of fun to mess around in because it's not too big at certain levels of water but it's big enough that you can have a blast. Then you have the Salmon River which is completely opposite of the Green River because it isn't a desert river but is a forest-type area that has beautiful trees surrounding you on either side of the canyon and big whitewater that is sure to make your heart beat a little fast. The Salmon River is my favorite. The hot springs on the Salmon River is one of the best things ever. There are hot springs everywhere on that river and each of them are so unique and are so fun to sit around in and enjoy the relaxation. Then there's the Snake River which is in the Alpine and it has a lot of consist, one, after the other kind of whitewater. The canyons for the Snake are so amazing and are darker colors of rock that make the scenery that much more beautiful. And I can't go river rafting during the winter so I am happy that it is time to move on to rafting.

I also love to play lacrosse and this summer I am joining Tribal West's lacrosse club called Mamacci and I am so stoked to get going on that because my lacrosse season is basically over but I don't want it to be over so I am going to continue doing lacrosse this summer. I get such a rush when I play lacrosse, especially when I am running and just absolutely crush the person trying to get in front of me or when I get in front of the girl who thinks she left  me in the dust. Lacrosse and rafting are my entire life in the summer and it is the most enjoyable things in life including skiing.


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