Friday, May 13, 2016

Last Hoorah

This is my final blog post and for it I want to recap on every post I've ever written this year.  First I wrote about was "My Rafting Trip" and for this post I had a really hard time thinking of things to write about and I was dreading writing more after that post because I would never be able to write about anything. As I continued I started to figure out that I could write about anything I've done over the my break from writing. I realized that I do a lot because I had to write about stuff so it made me realize all of the fun things that I do every day. My next few posts were "Stanley the Bear," "UEA," and "Redskins" and all of these were just me needing to get a post and those were the only things I could think to write about. My next posts were "SNOW!!!," "Snowking," "Slalom," "Snowbasin," and "Super G." The theme of it all was skiing because it was ski season and that's all I do in the
winter is ski so that's all I could write about and that's what I love most in the winter so I wanted to share my fun trips and cool skiing experiences with everyone else. My posts got a little more interesting from the on, I had my "Lacrosse" post which made me super excited to play lacrosse because I was getting pumped for game season and to kick some major lacrosse but which me and my team did just that. My letter to Ted Ligety was a super cool post because I wrote it just for Ted Ligety and it showed how much I really like watching him ski and I thought that was amazingly cool. My next three posts all had another theme. The posts were "The Fight Against Juan Diego," "Pleasant Grove's Cry for Help," and "Just Pee Your Pants" all of theses have the same theme of lacrosse.  I
Thanks Mr. Parker! Pic. Courtesy of Popcorn Fest
think my interest factor in my writing got a lot better in these posts and my titles got a lot better because I started thinking of better names for my blogs too. My last two, "SUMMER!!!" and "The Final Countdown", were all about how ready I am for summer and how I am done with school but sad that ski season is over and the writing in this I felt like got a lot more appealing to read.  What I would like to say is thank you to Mr. Parker for helping me and push me to do something that I might not like but it helped me in the long run.

Friday, May 6, 2016

The Final Countdown

Today is my very last game of the season and I am so sad to have to end it all. We have had a great season and we plan to continue our winning all the way till the end. We have had some super high high's and super low low's but we want to finish it with a bang. For low's we have our our losses against Brighton and losing of some players due to serious injuries. Our Brighton loss wasn't even that bad, we were tied all the way up till the last minute where they had a rolled ball enter the net. For high's we won every single game so far except Brighton and we have created some tight bonds and friendships. We may have had the times where we didn't think that we would come through, like our last game agains Heriman we were down by two at halftime and then came out and beat them by three. We also had our moments where we completely crushed the other teams because we played like an actual team would. Some of us may get in arguments but we always apologize, we may drop the ball but we are always cheering on our teammate, we may drop the ball occasionally (literally and figuratively) but we always hustle to pick up our mistakes.  Even if we miss a goal our teammate is hauling butt to win the chase. No matter what we support each other in every decision we make and if it was a mistake we forgive them and continue on with life. We all are one team and we all want the same goal, to get the win, and without good teammates we wouldn't be able to communicate and get the win. We all have Miner PRIDE and we all will fight to keep that Miner PRIDE. I loved all my coaches this year because they all encouraged me and helped me get better. I am really happy because I have gotten so much better at lacrosse this year then I was last year and I owe all my defense skills to my coaches this year because they pushed me to do everything. I was sad when our coach Ellie Mango left because she helped me so much when I was struggling. I am happy that I had the opportunity to have Maddie, Laurel, and Ellie Mango as my coaches this year because because it was a super great opportunity.
Park City Miners

I am sad to see the seniors leave because they have become a part of our lacrosse family and it is too sad to say goodbye. We have three seniors and two of which aren't going to go to the game tonight because they have work so last night was our last practice with them and on Wednesday that was our last game with them. I like to look up to them and have them help me when I need help. They are always fighting for the ball and charging for the goal. No matter what they are giving it their all and I like to think that I will have that much fire in me when I am their age. I think that when I become a senior I will look at all the freshman and think about all the seniors when I was a freshman and how I want to look like they did and play as hard as they did. I really liked having those role models this year but I am super sad to be saying goodbye.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


I am so stoked for summer to come around and although summer is only in a few weeks, I know this will be a long hard race to the finish. I am sad that ski season has come and gone but it will be back soon and in the meantime I can enjoy my other favorite sports, like lacrosse, river rafting, and camping (if you consider camping a sport.) I have had some ups and downs this year but as long as it will be over and I won't have to think about it four a few months that's fine with me. I am so excited for all the fun things that are going to happen this summer!!

Picture courtesy of Your Weekend View
River rafting is one of my favorite, if not my favorite thing to do in the entire world. I love the water and I love the beautiful scenery that you see on every trip. All the places we go to are so unique like the Gates of Lodore section on the Green River has these huge walls of rock that just tower over you and waterfalls that you can't reach without being on the river. The best part of the Green is some of the hikes that you can go up and see petroglyphs and pictographs that were created maybe a hundred years ago. The whitewater on the Green is also a lot of fun to mess around in because it's not too big at certain levels of water but it's big enough that you can have a blast. Then you have the Salmon River which is completely opposite of the Green River because it isn't a desert river but is a forest-type area that has beautiful trees surrounding you on either side of the canyon and big whitewater that is sure to make your heart beat a little fast. The Salmon River is my favorite. The hot springs on the Salmon River is one of the best things ever. There are hot springs everywhere on that river and each of them are so unique and are so fun to sit around in and enjoy the relaxation. Then there's the Snake River which is in the Alpine and it has a lot of consist, one, after the other kind of whitewater. The canyons for the Snake are so amazing and are darker colors of rock that make the scenery that much more beautiful. And I can't go river rafting during the winter so I am happy that it is time to move on to rafting.

I also love to play lacrosse and this summer I am joining Tribal West's lacrosse club called Mamacci and I am so stoked to get going on that because my lacrosse season is basically over but I don't want it to be over so I am going to continue doing lacrosse this summer. I get such a rush when I play lacrosse, especially when I am running and just absolutely crush the person trying to get in front of me or when I get in front of the girl who thinks she left  me in the dust. Lacrosse and rafting are my entire life in the summer and it is the most enjoyable things in life including skiing.


Friday, April 22, 2016

Just Pee Your Pants

My last lacrosse game was against Olympus and they were kind of a weird team. Some of the girls were super nice and friendly and others were just flat out rude. Some girls would be like oh I love your hair and the other would be like make sure to push that girl because she's going to goal. We were really nice to them and saying good job and things like that but some of the girls would either smile back or the other would give a deathly glare. They were so bipolar because every girl was completely different from her teammate. I was really weirded out.

Before halftime came around I didn't realize the weird things they were doing but then at halftime a whole bunch of my teammates pointed out their weirdness.  All the girls that were playing defense told me that one of the girls told her teammate she really had to pee and the other teammate told her to just pee. I was so weirded out and didn't know who the girl was so I didn't want to run into her if she had peed. I really didn't want pee all over me and then my teammate went on with the story and said the one girl that had to pee said, "I peed last time and don't want to pee again." After I heard that I took a huge sigh of relief but then the story went on: Khaki, my teammate, told me that later she over heard the girls talking again and said, "I just peed." After hearing that I was fully aware that I needed to figure out who this girl is and stay away from her because I wasn't going to risk getting some pee on me. I was so relieved that she was playing attack and I wouldn't be able to make contact with her or else I was going to have to take about five hundred showers before I could do anything. I felt so bad for all the defenders that had to play defense on her because they had a very high risk of getting pee on their body. It's so disgusting that someone would pee on the field just because it was raining and the rain would "wash" it away. I have a news flash for this girl, the pee won't wash off with some rain coming down.
My reaction is the same as Ellen's

Another girl on the other team said that she hoped the ground would get struck by lightning and that our team would get electrocuted. But this girl wasn't the brightest person because she didn't think about the fact that they were on the exact same field as us and if the ground was struck by lightning not just my team would bd electrocuted but she and her team would be electrocuted as well. I just don't understand the things that run through their heads. Who thinks it's okay to pee your pants, I am just flabbergasted.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Pleasant Grove's Cry for Help

Last night was my second game and first home game of the season and we went all out for it. We started the game pumped and ready to play Pleasant Grove. We were jumping and running and doing all these crazy things to warm ourselves up because the weather was brutal last night, it was in the twenties during our game and some of us, including me, were not smart and didn't bring gloves so our hands were freezing and to add to that there was a chilly wind. The thing that made our hands even more cold was the fact that our sticks have metal shafts that we hold onto and they aren't warm so we have to hold something freezing even though without the pole we would still be freezing. My team went out on the field with so much energy and fire, we were ready to play. We decided that because one of our coach, Maddie, was sick that we would play and win the game for her.  In that first half I
scored one goal because I out played the girl and I made an assist which was a really cool assist to Gabi. In the first half we played with a lot of intensity making the score seven to zero for halftime. During halftime we decided to give Maddie the presents we made for her to get better. We gave Maddie a blanket that we tied the ends on and was SUPER soft, a card that everyone signed that said "We Love You", and we gave her a little poster that Corryne wrote a poem to go along with. The poem was really good and it told Maddie how her presents helps us become better players and how much we appreciate her. By the end Maddie was choked up because she was really having a hard time lately. Maddie had to leave but we still had the fire to play for Maddie and our other two coaches, Laurel and Elle Mango. Laurel and Elle Mango pumped us up and got us ready for the second half which I was super excited to play in. We went out on the field and played really well the second half considering we were all so cold. We didn't play as hard as the first half but we did manage to take the ball down to X and and keep it consistently moving. In the second half we scored four more goals but were scored on two times but we still had a lead that was up by nine. I managed to score one goal in the second half. I will admit it wasn't my cleanest game but it was a good game for me. I got called on a lot, I think in the first half I was called probably five times and same with in the second half. In the end we played good, had a fun time, and won for Maddie so what more could you ask for.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Fight Against Juan Diego

My first real game of the season was on Wednesday and it was against Juan Diego. It was so much fun. This was technically my first game of my entire high school. I liked that my first ever high school game we won and I scored two of our nine goals and had two pretty cool assists. My first goal was in the first half and was left handed so that makes me feel very accomplished. I started with my stick in my left hand and rolled and switched left and beat my defender leaving a clear path to the goal where I kept repeating "place your shot, place your shot" in my head. I had to think about placing my shot because lately in practice or other games I just rip a shot but the ball goes directly toward the goalie which makes it super easy to catch because it goes right into the goalies stick or they get the ball bounced off of them because it hits their body. My first assist was to my teammate Jade in the first half and she caught the ball and ripped it to cage hitting the net. I wasn't at X when I threw the ball to Jade which are usually the best assist but I still got the assist because Jade can rip a really fast and hard shot. My second goal was an assisted goal which passed to me by Marissa who gave me a great throw that I took and ran to cage with. My second assist was behind cage at X where I saw Kinley run through and I through it to her and she threw in a fake that made the goalie
This is me playing at our game
disoriented and threw it to the net. In the first half my team was up five, zero, because we were up by so much my coach applied a rule that we had to make every goal an assisted goal because she noticed a lot of people were running than taking a shot that didn't involve any teamwork because there wasn't one pass and our coaches like to say that the ball is faster than a runner so we started passing more in the second half and came together as a team and still beat the other team. Our defense held strong in the first half and let no one pass them and had some great double teams and getting back to their player as soon as their double team was over. Second half our defense still played super good but we started to slip a little and got confused every once in a while about who was playing what but in the end we came together as a team and won our game. But of course not everything was sunshine and rainbow's, before we left Park City we couldn't find a lot of JV and Varsity's uniforms and that is really serious because if your whole team doesn't have the same uniforms you can be disqualified. Luckily a few of JV's uniforms were in our teammate, Caityn's, car and we got them back. We found Varsity's in our coaches car but we left half an hour later but luckily we played good even after the mishap before the game.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


I have a river trip coming up for spring break that I am super excited for. I haven't been on the river since last summer and so I have been wanting to get back on the river. My birthday was a few weeks ago and I got a new life jacket that doesn't have any sun spots and it has places to put your hands when they are cold. It also has pockets to put things in which are super handy when you need them. I am excited to wear my life jacket but I am even more excited for my first fly fishing pole. I have
This is my life jacket, hammock, and fishing pole
never tried fly fishing but my parents got me a fly fishing pole for my birthday and I love fishing so I am super stoked to try fishing with a fly pole. I also got a camping hammock for my birthday that I have been wanting forever and now I have one and I get to use it which is so cool because I'm going to set up the hammock and bath in the sun then go fishing with my new fly fishing pole and than I will go rafting in the morning with my new jacket with hand warmers and pockets.

For Westwater there are two sections the upper which is ruby horse thief and the lower part is just Westwater. We are making the trip a three day trip. You can make the trip just one day but they usually only do one section to do the trip in one day. The first section is super flat and is mainly just for fishing because there isn't any whitewater in the ruby horse thief section. In the second section there is a big amount of white water but in the end there is no whitewater and it is basically a lake that will be very obnoxious to oar through. We are staying one night on the ruby horse thief section than on the second night we will be staying on the actual Westwater section.

Out of everything that I am excited I am most excited for just being on the river. I get to oar the river on my raft which I love to do. My favorite thing in the entire world is rafting and my whole family will be there. I am so excited that my grandpa is coming with us as well which is actually a pretty big deal because the last time my grandpa went was on the Main Salmon which was five or so years ago and he hasn't gone near a river since, not because he doesn't love them but because he got older and life had to catch up with him but now he's retired and is coming with us on the river. The only thing that sucks is that I won't have any friends on the trip and no dogs can come because the rivers a national park or something stupid like that which will kind of be annoying but I will still have a lot of fun because I have family and I am going to be on the river which is the best thing ever. I am so excited for this trip and i will make the best of it.